Environmental Coordinator Workshop

Learn to effectively navigate the permitting & compliance requirements for mining & exploration projects in Ontario. Receive a comprehensive overview of the environmental responsibilities that exist within the framework of a modern-day mining operation


Building a 2022 Sampling & Reporting Calendar

Virtual (Online)

This session will review the major reporting dates in the calendar year for the Ontario regulations as well as applicable federal regulations in mining, forestry, or other resources industries that are applicable.


Environmental Emergency Response Plans

Virtual (Online)

A well organized and risk-based Environmental Emergency Response Plan (EERP) provides a mechanism for ensuring that sites are ready for environmental emergencies, while maintaining provincial and federal compliance with all applicable regulations related to environmental emergencies.


Breeding Bird Surveys and Nest Searches

Virtual (Online)

Learn why breeding bird surveys and nest searches are performed, the legislation that enforce these studies, and the protocols that guide these activities.
