Environmental Studies


From simple desktop screening exercises, to multi-component field-based studies.

Environmental studies provide the foundation on which to monitor and manage potential impacts resulting from industrial operations.

They are an integral component of Environmental Assessments (EAs), as well as any development project, and provide valuable information for guiding future site permitting requirements, rehabilitation, and reclamation activities.

Blue Heron has the staff and technical expertise required to conduct full life-cycle studies of any size, from simple desktop screening exercises to multi-component field-based studies.

Our staff can Perform:

    • Aquatic Habitat and Wildlife Studies
    • Terrestrial Habitat and Wildlife Studies
    • Vegetation Community Studies
    • Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) and Metal Leaching Prediction Studies
    • Hydrogeology and Hydrology Studies
    • Waste Rock, Ore, and Soil Geochemistry Studies
    • Surface Water and Groundwater Quality Studies
    • Air Quality Monitoring
    • Species at Risk Screening Studies

We have qualified, experienced and local staff ready to provide your organization with quality on-site Environmental Support


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These Studies are a Critical Component of Today's Environmental Regulations

What are Environmental Baseline Studies Designed to do?

Baseline environmental studies are designed to establish the environmental conditions at a site prior to any site development.

Once established, these “baseline” conditions then provide a benchmark against which to monitor and manage any potential future impacts resulting from industrial operations at the site.

Are Environmental Studies Necessary?

Comprehensive studies are a required component of Environmental Assessments, and they provide valuable information for inclusion with Mine Closure Plans and other environmental permit applications.

Because they contain important data regarding site conditions, environmental studies are also essential for directing site reclamation and rehabilitation activities.


Are Environmental Studies Necessary?

Comprehensive studies are a required component of Environmental Assessments, and they provide valuable information for inclusion with Mine Closure Plans and other environmental permit applications.

Because they contain important data regarding site conditions, environmental studies are also essential for directing site reclamation and rehabilitation activities.

Keep in Mind

Since environmental studies need to account for temporal (seasonal) variation at the site, and require sufficient time to collect representative data, baseline studies should be initiated at least two years prior to any site development plans.

This is especially important if your operation is subject to an Environmental Assessment.