Trusted Environmental Management

Since 2004, we have been providing expert assistance to clients who manage environmental and regulatory risks.

Our Services

Technical Services

Let our local experienced staff look after your on-site environmental needs, including monitoring, inspections and reporting.

Environmental Permitting

We support all of your environmental permitting requirements for new, expanding or closing operation

Environmental Studies

We conduct studies that provide the foundation on which to monitor and manage potential impacts resulting from industrial operations.

EHS Management Systems & Auditing

We specialize in developing and implementing cost-effective EHS management systems that conform to national, international, and industry-specific standards.

Environmental Training

Access a variety of training and certification courses for field staff and management personnel.

Biological Studies

We perform a range of aquatic and terrestrial biological services, ranging from species-specific surveys to habitat assessments.

Environmental Support for Indigenous Communities

We assist communities in analyzing and summarizing scientific and technical documents for general audience understanding.

Upcoming Events


2025 Calendar Contest Winners
2025 Calendar Contest Winners

We are excited to congratulate this year’s group of winners for helping us craft another breathtaking calendar! A heartfelt thank you to all the talented artists who submitted stunning photos from across Canada.

BHE Spotlight: Greg Petten
BHE Spotlight: Greg Petten

Meet Greg Petten, Indigenous Community Support Consultant, a 2024 addition to our Blue Heron Environmental and Zhashagi teams. We are excited to be expanding our Zhashagi team, which works to serve indigenous communities and businesses.

Environmental Compliance Support in Thunder Bay
Environmental Compliance Support in Thunder Bay

It is not every day that we’re able to offer our clients substantial discounts! That’s why we’re extremely pleased to inform you about discounts on environmental compliance on-site support services in NW Ontario.

Upcoming Events

Latest News

2025 Calendar Contest Winners

2025 Calendar Contest Winners

We are excited to congratulate this year’s group of winners for helping us craft another breathtaking calendar! A heartfelt thank you to all the talented artists who submitted stunning photos from across Canada.

BHE Spotlight: Greg Petten

BHE Spotlight: Greg Petten

Meet Greg Petten, Indigenous Community Support Consultant, a 2024 addition to our Blue Heron Environmental and Zhashagi teams. We are excited to be expanding our Zhashagi team, which works to serve indigenous communities and businesses.

Environmental Compliance Support in Thunder Bay

Environmental Compliance Support in Thunder Bay

It is not every day that we’re able to offer our clients substantial discounts! That’s why we’re extremely pleased to inform you about discounts on environmental compliance on-site support services in NW Ontario.

Delivering Confidence to People with Environmental Responsibilities

Service Updates

Environmental Compliance Support in Thunder Bay

Environmental Compliance Support in Thunder Bay

It is not every day that we’re able to offer our clients substantial discounts! That’s why we’re extremely pleased to inform you about discounts on environmental compliance on-site support services in NW Ontario.

MineConnect Corporate Members

MineConnect Corporate Members

We are proud to be corporate members at MineConnect and look forward to capitalizing on the networking and educational opportunities that they provide their member companies.

New Location in Sault Ste. Marie

New Location in Sault Ste. Marie

We are proud to announce that our hard-working team continues to grow, and we’re increasing our presence in Northwestern Ontario. Join us in welcoming Brendan Faykes and Collin McMillan, who will both be reporting out of Thunder Bay, ON.

Our approach

Our Mission

Providing support to balance environmental goals with business objectives.

Our Vision

Promoting long term environmental sustainability in industry.

Our Values

    • Excellence
    • We collaborate to provide efficient, value-added service.
    • Relationships
    • We cultivate long-term relationships through mutual trust and respect.
    • Balance
    • We understand the connection between the environment, our communities and the economy.
      We prioritize employee safety and well-being.
    • Integrity
    • We value honesty and transparency as part of our commitment to our vision.