learn the principles and techniques to become an environmental monitor

Designed as an introductory course that offers hands-on exercises and classroom training to learn the roles and responsibilities of an environmental monitor working in Ontario.

  • Anonymous
    Great course, knowledgeable trainers. Enjoyed it a lot!
  • Paul M.
    J’ai aimé le cours. J’ai appris beaucoup de chose avec ce cours. Mercie à Blue Heron groupe. Merci beaucoup à Linda et tous.
    Paul M.
    Wahgoshig First Nation
  • Darren R.
    I highly recommend this workshop. It helped my knowledge and understanding with my new role as an Environmental Monitor.
    Darren R.
    Taykwa Tagamou Nation
  • Russell
    Highly recommend to all First Nations involved or soon to be impacted by "resource development".
    Moose Cree First Nation
  • Anonymous
    I did enjoy my time spent at the workshop. Very nice people and environment. I really learned a lot that will help me with my field of work. Thank you for the great workshop.
  • Paul C.
    Gave me a broader understanding of environmental procedures, which will allow me to become more involved in committee meetings and helping to deal with community environmental issues.
    Paul C.
    Wabun Tribal Council
  • Delta F.
    It will help me to better be able to list concerns and to read reports, and transfer the information in a manner more relevant to my community.
    Delta F.
    Matachewan First Nation


Updates on the Latest
Legislation and Regulations

Monitoring and Sampling Best Practices

Field Navigation and Taking Proper Site-Photos

Safety Considerations for a Variety of Field Activities

Conducting Environmental Inspections

Handling/Labeling Field Samples and Laboratory Protocols


The program aims to provide training for field monitors responsible for collecting environmental data related to mining activity in Ontario.

Students will experience a hands-on fieldwork monitoring course that emphasizes proper sample collection and safety considerations.


Our workshop is applicable to a broad audience, including:

  • Environmental Monitors looking for to expand their knowledge, or seeking a refresher
  • People with environmental responsibilities in their communities or business
  • Those wanting to enter the field of environmental monitoring, or seeking to become a technician.


learn the principles and techniques to become an environmental monitor

Designed as an introductory course that offers hands-on exercises and classroom training to learn the roles and responsibilities of an environmental monitor working in Ontario.

  • Anonymous
    I did enjoy my time spent at the workshop. Very nice people and environment. I really learned a lot that will help me with my field of work. Thank you for the great workshop.
  • Paul C.
    Gave me a broader understanding of environmental procedures, which will allow me to become more involved in committee meetings and helping to deal with community environmental issues.
    Paul C.
    Wabun Tribal Council
  • Delta F.
    It will help me to better be able to list concerns and to read reports, and transfer the information in a manner more relevant to my community.
    Delta F.
    Matachewan First Nation
  • Russell
    Highly recommend to all First Nations involved or soon to be impacted by "resource development".
    Moose Cree First Nation
  • Paul M.
    J’ai aimé le cours. J’ai appris beaucoup de chose avec ce cours. Mercie à Blue Heron groupe. Merci beaucoup à Linda et tous.
    Paul M.
    Wahgoshig First Nation
  • Anonymous
    Great course, knowledgeable trainers. Enjoyed it a lot!
  • Darren R.
    I highly recommend this workshop. It helped my knowledge and understanding with my new role as an Environmental Monitor.
    Darren R.
    Taykwa Tagamou Nation

Students will experience an overview of fieldwork monitoring, environmental data entry and interpretation, environmental regulatory requirements, and compliance reporting.

The workshop is a mix of both classroom and field exercises. Proper seasonal apparel and PPE is required (i.e. CSA Approved footwear, reflective vest, hard hat, safety glasses, and gloves).