Internal Auditor Workshop (Regulatory Compliance)

Internal Auditor Workshop (Regulatory Compliance)

Internal environmental auditor training helps environmental practitioners to determine whether their operations are in compliance with Federal and Provincial environmental regulations. This two-day workshop provides a review of environmental regulations in Canada and Ontario, as it applies to each participant’s site, and then provides hands-on exercises to practice auditing and identify gaps that need to be addressed.

Biological Studies and Timing Windows

Biological Studies and Timing Windows

Learn about the various biological surveys that are required for the support, or on-going operations of, Industrial activities such as mining or construction projects. This session will review applicable legislation, with a large focus on the key timing windows in which these surveys are completed.

Case studies and calendar examples will be provided to help ensure proper planning of the upcoming field season.

Legal Forum

Legal Forum

This 1-hour webinar is intended to provide information about provincial and federal environmental legislative changes that have occurred in the mining sector.
We will also look at changes that may be coming in the next year to provide participants with compliance updates and discuss tools and practices for managing a legal registry.

Breeding Bird Surveys and Nest Searches

Breeding Bird Surveys and Nest Searches

Learn why breeding bird surveys and nest searches are performed, the legislation that enforces these studies, and the protocols that guide these activities. Gain insight into the Migratory Birds Convention Act (MBCA) and learn how to how to identify nests with eggs and how to protect those nests from activities like tree clearing.