Environmental Coordinator Workshop (Mining)

Learn to effectively navigate the permitting and compliance requirements for mining & exploration projects in Ontario.
Our Environmental Coordinator Workshop offers a comprehensive overview of the environmental responsibilities that exist within the framework of a modern-day mining operation.


Environmental Compliance for Industry in Ontario

Ottawa Ottawa, ON, Canada

This half day course will provide an introduction to Environmental Compliance in Ontario. This includes an overview of applicable Federal and Provincial Environmental regulations, Environmental Permitting Requirements, Waste Management, and Enforcement of Environmental law. Case studies from Northern Ontario industries will be included. This workshop is suitable for professionals in the construction, mining, exploration and forestry products industries.


Environmental Emergency Response Plans

Timmins (BHE) 246 Mountjoy Street South, Timmins, ON, Canada

This session will review the requirements for the development and implementation of an EERP, including regulatory, site-specific requirements, and corporate commitments.
